Plan A
- 1 Website
- 10 GB SSD Storage
- Free WP or Joomla Install
- Includes SSL
- Daily Backup
- Up to 5 Email Accounts
- 100% U.S. Owned
- Firewalls and Security Scans
- $115.98 per year prepaid
- Onetime setup fee $24
Plan B
- Up to 3 Websites
- 20 GB SSD Storage
- Root Administrator Panel
- Configurable Server Options
- WP / Joomla Tool Installed
- Includes SSL
- Daily Backup
- Up to 5 Email Accounts
- 100% U.S Owned & Managed
- $193.88 per year prepaid
- Onetime setup fee $36
Site Production
- Theme Customization
- E-Commerce / Shopify
- Install / Configure Add-ons*
- Page Routing and SEO Setup
- Content Styling and CSS
- Monthly Updates
- Immediate Security Patches
- Custom PHP, JS, CSS, & HTML
Prices vary depending on the complexity of the work required. E-Commerce, for example, and portals typically require detailed information in order to form a pricing proposal. In most cases, we will provide project pricing.
Prices are per-month average, but prepaid annually, and do not include the cost of paid subscriptions or themes, nor paid add-ons you may desire or require. They do, of course, include any free, lite, and trial versions, and the setup fee includes configuration of contact and map forms, including both free and paid versions. Paid subscriptions, if acquired through Xyonet Hosting, will be quoted in advance, in electronic form, according to your specification; these will require your authorization and matching payment to proceed. Your website CMS will also allow you to purchase paid component subscriptions directly.